KMK: PC Power

Arts Video Games

10 Popular Korean PC GamesOne thing you will notice immediately once you touch down in South Korea and begin wandering the streets are the ever present PC Bang signs. Whether in the storied windows, street signs, posters, flyers, billboards or glossy cards strewn about the street you’ll see advertisements luring you in.

Step inside and you’ll find row after row of young and old alike hunkered in front of a mega-sized computer screen flickering with the graphics of their favorite computer game of choice. If its popular and online then it’s being played in a PC Bang. Want to know whats popular? Take a look!

  1. LoL
  2. Sudden Attack
  3. Fifa online 3
  4. Lineage 1
  5. SC1
  6. Diablo 3
  7. Aion
  8. DNF
  9. Blade and Soul
  10. WarCraft 3
  11. Cyphers
  12. Lineage 2
  13. WoW
  14. Maple Story
  15. Kart Riders
  16. Black Desert
  17. The Ultimate Legion
  18. Special Force
  19. StarCraft 2
  20. Icarus Online

You buy an hours worth of time for about 1,000 KRW and get to play to your heart’s content. Most of the places now even have an area closed off for the smokers to get their game on without choking everyone else to death.

Also there are plenty of snacks and drinks on hand to purchase. So you’re marathon gaming session does not have to be disturbed for anything minor like eating!

The best part of all is that truly there is no age limit to who you’ll find gaming away the hours. From elementary students to senior citizens, they’re all there ready to GG you after they beat you into the dirt.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

2 thoughts on “KMK: PC Power

  1. get the kids out of the house and I’ll call the police. we don’t own a clown stutae. it turned out that the clown was a murderer escaped from jail. if you don’t repost this message on 10 videos the clown will be in your bedroom tonight at 3am with a chainsaw sorrry I did this I was scared

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