KMK: Premonition

Arts Film
This review is late because I hated the film so much that I dreaded even thinking about writing anything to do with it. I saw Premonition back in the States and I wish I could’ve left the memory of the experience behind me.
I can’t really say that Premonition stars Sandra Bullock because her performance doesn’t have anything remotely to do with Star Power. She’s basically just in it, going through the motions for a big fat pay check. Now don’t get me wrong. I like Sandra Bullock. The chick can act and I know it because I saw her in Crash, but here she’s a lethargic, uninteresting clod with moppet hair.
Sandra plays a housewife who finds out she’s having premonitions of her husband’s death. Now any sane person, after a few future flashes of their husband being decapitated, would take this as a serious matter and warn their husband. Not Sandra, noooooooo, she dillies and dallies and hees and haws because their sex life is in the crapper. Wake up, Sandra! Every married couple’s sex life is in the crapper and if you don’t like it then go see Dr. Phil or talk to Oprah.
Of course, you know you’re watching a movie because any woman married to Julian McMahon would never have a sexless marriage, because even if he was disinterested in sex, she would slip him a rufie in his dinner, drag him to the bedroom, tie him up and have her way with him.

Anyway, Sandra finally gets to the point where she’s going to let her husband die because he’s thought about having an affair. Yup, you read that right. He’s not having an affair, just thinking about it and so for that Sandra is going to let his butt get run over by a truck. There would be no married men in the world if the punishment for thinking about extramarital sex was death by truck. At that point someone really needed to slap some sense into Ms. Bullock.And someone must have because Sandra comes to her senses and decides to save Julian, but it’s too late. Fate can’t be stopped and Sandra ends up causing the crash she was trying to stop. So basically the entire movie was pointless.

Too bad I didn’t have a premonition about the movie being so craptastic because I would have saved myself ten bucks and ninety minutes of my life.

So if you absolutely must go see Premonition, I recommend seeing the Japanese movie Premonition(Yogen) by director Norio Tsuruta, which I have never seen but must be a thousand times better than that mess Sandra Bullock made. Even the poster for the Japanese movie looks cooler than Sandra’s lame poster.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

2 thoughts on “KMK: Premonition

  1. I can't believe you actually wrote about that horrible movie. I was so pissed of after I saw it. That was some real crazy people shit.

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