KMK: Korean Myth Buster


With all the lists out there detailing all the things you should bring to Korea I thought it would be a good idea to mention the things you should leave behind: assumptions and misconceptions ranking as the top two. So with that in mind I thought it would be fun to do a good old fashioned myth buster, Korea style.

Phoenixstorm’s Korean Myth Buster
for the newly arrived ESL newbie

Fan Death

Yes, you read that right. In Korea people believe that fans are capable of killing people during the night in three ways: hypothermia, suffocation or poisoning. Apparently fans can suck the air from your face creating a vacuum which can suffocate you while you’re sleeping. Hypothermia supposedly occurs because of the fan dramatically lowering your body temperature if it’s blowing directly on you. Carbon Dioxide poisoning occurs because of the fan displacing the oxygen in the room.

I still can’t believe people think this is true. Fans come especially equipped with timers so that you don’t accidently off yourself while you slumber.

Blood Type Determines Your Personality

I had never heard of this until I came here. Of course it’s completely false, but it’s still fun to think about how one genetic signifier can determine your whole being.

Type-A people are farmers. They are shy, introverted perfectionists. They are considerate to others and cannot tell a lie easily. They are loyal to friends and coworkers. They can be secretive, though, and don’t often share their feelings. They don’t hold their liquor well.

Type-B people are hunters. They have independent spirits with strong personalities. While they don’t care what others think of them, they are extremely passionate about the things they hold dear. They can be shallow, lazy, and quite impatient.

Type-AB people are humanists. They are an unpredictable, distant lot, but tend to use their heads over their hearts. They are good with money. They seek accord and so work well as mediators; however, they can be viewed as two-faced.

Type-O people are warriors. They are outgoing, expressive, and passionate. They are highly motivated and natural leaders. Blessed with a strong physical presence, they aren’t afraid to gamble because they are so convinced they will win. They are natural athletes. They tend to be obsessive in their quest for success, and this can make them boring to others.

Some Koreans really hold true to this and lately it seems the Type B men have been getting a bad rap for being dangerous bad boys or rapacious playboys who will break your heart and leave you in tears. Somehow the same doesn’t apply to type B women though. It seems kinda sad when you have to lie about your blood type just to get a date.

North American English Accents are Superior

Sorry, to burst your bubble but the Canadian and American accents rank right alongside those from Britain, New Zeeland, Australia, and South Africa (mostly). When you peruse the job listings inevitably you will find ads asking for North Americans only. Some places are even finicky when it comes to Americans from the South. I guess some Korean moms fear their children sounding like employees of Dollyworld.

Whistling at Night Summons Demon Snakes

Tried it, didn’t see a thing except a rat trying to dodge a car while crossing the street. Maybe whistling at night summons daredevil rats?

Koreans Eat Dog

Well, not all of them. Yes, some Koreans eat dog. It’s not really that big of a deal. I mean, I’m sure some Indians think people who eat Cows are weirdos. It might even taste good, though I doubt I’m going to be chowing down on a Chow anytime soon. Unless of course I’m tricked into it. It probably tastes like chicken anyway.

There are no People of Color in Korea

Come on, Korea is a nation of people of color! And besides that color there are few others as well. You can find people from all over the world in Korea, well maybe in Seoul, and even then probably mostly in Itaewon and most likely we only make up a tenth of a percentage point, but we’re here!

North Koreans will Abduct Me

Well, if they do you would be a hot commodity supplying esl lessons. Seriously, I think Martians will abduct you before North Koreans. Which actually might be fun if you’re into bondage and domination to throw in an alien twist.

Korean Hogwon Children are Spoiled Brats

Honestly, some are, but really these kids probably deserve to be total snots sometimes. They spend a huge amount of time studying and then throw in school, and all the academies like English, Science, Math, Kondo and who knows how many more it’s a real surprise they can even muster the strength to act like snots.

Drinking is the National Past Time

Some nights it sure does feel like this is true. Walking home after work you can find businessmen stumbling along hand in hand or passed out on the sidewalk or sleeping it off on a bench all at the late hour of 11pm. Socializing with co-workers is the norm in Korea and that inevitably involves copious amounts of alcohol. Still, not everyone drinks, Hopefully you won’t be dragged into it, but if you are I hope you can handle your liquor.

Well, that wraps up this myth busting session unless anyone has a few to add?

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

4 thoughts on “KMK: Korean Myth Buster

  1. Well, I am what you would say…an oddity. I am neither military nor a teacher! I have been here in Korea for almost four years. I am a golf course superintendent…but according to the government I am a consultant. To truely live the Korean experience I have tried dog…and trust me it does NOT taste like chicken. Has a sort of sickening sweet taste that was immediately repulsed. Most Koreans believe that eating dog helps reduce heat related stress. Thats why you will see them, especially out in the country having a picnic under bridges in the hot summer season. If you see some people gathered around a boiling pot…most likely it has some dog in it. Do yourself a favor and if someone offers it to you just politely decline…it was a stomach turning experience…at least for me!

  2. Korean Hagwon(Hakwon is right) Children are Spoiled Brats..</></>I agree with U. but…Most korea Mom worry about this.</>If Children do not go to Hakwon , they can't get friends playing with them. so some parents send their kid in Hakwon.</></>add to..</>If Mirro is broken,it happens unlucky thing.

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