KMK: Warner Bros. Exhibition

In the heart of Seoul, a thrilling cinematic experience awaits at the Warner Bros. Exhibition. This immersive showcase of the iconic studio’s rich history and blockbuster franchises is a must-visit for movie enthusiasts and fans alike. Today we’ll take a detailed journey through the Warner Bros. Exhibition in Seoul, exploring its diverse exhibits, interactive displays, […]

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Korea Queer Festival 2013

KMK: Sashay or Shantay Seoul Queer Culture Festival 2023

In the vibrant and progressive city of Seoul, an extraordinary event takes place each year, captivating locals and visitors alike. The Seoul Queer Culture Festival, a two-week extravaganza, combines elements of culture, parades, parties, and political activism, making it a unique celebration of LGBTQ+ pride and identity. As the festival unfolds in the South Korean […]

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KMK: Space Out Competition Seoul

Korea, specifically Seoul, moves. Constant motion fuels the progress that has propelled this tiny nation numbering in population less than sixty million into a world-wide economic powerhouse. That success may seem enviable but it definitely comes at a cost. Buildings rise and fall. The historic stone past giving way literally to futuristic towers of steel […]

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