KMK: Manny Poppins

Culture Lifestyle

The day started off unexpectedly. You see, for the last eight months I’ve been working as the manny for my baby nephew. Well, I’m not literally working for my nephew as he would probably pay in dooty diapers and leftover applesauce, but you know what I mean. And I know you cringed when you read the word manny and believe me, I sympathize with you. I used to sneer every time someone found out what I do and then seconds later screamed out, “Oh, you’re a MANNY!” as if they were the first person ever to think of that witty play on words. Nanny is not gender specific. I am quite comfortable being called a nanny even though it makes me think of Mary Poppins and possessed dishes flying around and a creepy Dick Van Dyke all dirty and fondling a chimney sweep broomstick while ogling Mary’s supercalifragilisticespyalladocious.

(now tell me he isn’t just all kinds of wrong)

Well, after so many months of being blasted with manny whenever I was out and about with my nephew I finally decided to just go with the flow and embrace it. Anyway, I woke up to find my brother’s girlfriend at the door with the little tot in question even though my brother quit his job and should be assuming my duties full time. I originally became the manny because my brother and his girlfriend worked full time and couldn’t swing daycare. So, naturally, with my brother’s newly found jobless state I thought my duties to be over. Wrong.

I love my nephew and he cracks me up, so I didn’t mind too much despite the running around I so badly needed to do. I still had to make copies of the contract, get photos and sealed transcripts, track down my passport, and go to my University to claim the diploma I’d just left there since graduating. We spent the day watching the Disney Channel, playing with his toys, and trying to get him to say my name which somehow comes out as a high pitched squeal or gurgling spit bubbles. I’m not too stressed. My position doesn’t start until April so I do have time to get these things to FedEx. I just don’t like to dawdle.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

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