KMK: Happy Store

Shopping Stores

It’s late one evening. You’re in the mood for a snack. Nothing good is in the house so out you must go. Sure the near by CU or 7-11 will have all the snack goodness your heart desires, but fire noodles, honey butter chips, tteokbokki crackers, nor dried squid are sounding all that appealing at the moment. What’s one to do? Well, if you live in the HBC/Gyeongridan neighborhood, take yourself to the The Happy Store.

The Happy Store is one of a handful of foreign food marts in the Itaewon area. Notably characterized by their uncanny stock of items only to be found back home, but priced at eyebrow raising costs. No, it’s not quite a Sophie’s Choice, but it’s still an obvious dilemma: do you pass on the snacks you so desperately want or open that wallet and fork over the dough? More often than not I’m forking over the dough. Where else am I going to get egg nog, Kirkland Signature Soft & Chewy Granola Bars, or made in America Doritos (if you’ve had the ones made here you know the difference)?

Thankfully, the Happy Store makes this decisive so easy. Not having to journey all the way to Costco makes their convenient location so worth it. Plus, where else am I going to get my box of wine? Not at the 7-11, that’s for sure.

You can find The Happy Store by taking  exit 2 from Noksapyeong station. Walk until you reach the underground pass, cross, and heat up the left stairs. Follow the road, going up the hill into Gyeongridan. You’ll soon come to it on your right.

Happy Store
225-5 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu
+82 2-793-7767
Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

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