Being ever game for an adventure I was all smiles when Rebecca suggested a switch up for dinner: fondue! I found a great place named Kabinett but once we arrived we quickly discovered that reservations were in order. Undaunted, Becca found an even more apropos place aptly named Swiss Chalet. From the outside you can tell they’re taking this Swiss thing all kinds of serious.
Inside the Kitschiness continued as it looked as if the gay Swiss Martha Stewart decorated the place while on acid. On the other hand it also resembled the home of a slightly addled grandma who can never find the wine corkscrew.
However, since I’ve never been to Switzerland this may have been a perfect representation.
We started off with Gulash which proved to be the perfect answer to a cold a winter night. It was a hearty stew that could’ve been a meal all by itself.
Rebecca ordered the fondue raquellette, a strong cheese that I had never had before. It was tasty, but I have to admit that I wussed out on ordering fondue because I just couldn’t imagine it being a meal. Fondue should be like an appetizer, right? So I ordered the cordon bleu with saeur krout.
Best decision ever! The chicken was moist and the outer crust ever so crunchy.
We followed up dinner with a chocolate fondue dessert. Yeah, the Swiss Chalet gives it to you and trust me you more than pay for it, but it was worth every won.
So, if you’re up for Fondue then check out Swiss Chalet in Itaewon. Just go up the street behind Helios that leads to the Hyatt hotel. It’s around the turn on your right up the hill.
02) 797-9664 or 02) 796-6379

KMK: Swiss Chalet
Being ever game for an adventure I was all smiles when Rebecca suggested a switch up for dinner: fondue! I found a great place named Kabinett but once we arrived we quickly discovered that reservations were in order. Undaunted, Becca found an even more apropos place aptly named Swiss Chalet. From the outside you can tell they’re taking this Swiss thing all kinds of serious.
Inside the Kitschiness continued as it looked as if the gay Swiss Martha Stewart decorated the place while on acid. On the other hand it also resembled the home of a slightly addled grandma who can never find the wine corkscrew.
However, since I’ve never been to Switzerland this may have been a perfect representation.
We started off with Gulash which proved to be the perfect answer to a cold a winter night. It was a hearty stew that could’ve been a meal all by itself.
Rebecca ordered the fondue raquellette, a strong cheese that I had never had before. It was tasty, but I have to admit that I wussed out on ordering fondue because I just couldn’t imagine it being a meal. Fondue should be like an appetizer, right? So I ordered the cordon bleu with saeur krout.
Best decision ever! The chicken was moist and the outer crust ever so crunchy.
We followed up dinner with a chocolate fondue dessert. Yeah, the Swiss Chalet gives it to you and trust me you more than pay for it, but it was worth every won.
So, if you’re up for Fondue then check out Swiss Chalet in Itaewon. Just go up the street behind Helios that leads to the Hyatt hotel. It’s around the turn on your right up the hill.
02) 797-9664 or 02) 796-6379