KMK: On the Border Seoul

Food Restaurants

Yup, another Mexican place in Korea! It’s almost an epidemic! For some reason I have been craving Mexican food and have been searching every nook and cranny of Seoul for any place serving up a tortilla chip let alone a burrito.

My latest excursion brings you On the Border in Sinchon! Relatively new to Seoul On the Border should have kept it that way. Rarely do I dish out a bad review, but the only thing redeeming about this place was the garden salad. Now you know its bad when the best plate a Mexican place has going is their Garden Salad.

Oh well, they all can’t be winners. At least they kept the chips and salsa coming to drown out that flavorless enchillada that looked like a sun dried egg roll with chickeneque meat.

Maybe I’m being too harsh, but who ever heard of an enchillada being served without rice and beans? That’s sacrilege, right?

Try your luck if you dare, but I would just avoid it. Sorry, but someone needs to call the border patrol on that place.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

6 thoughts on “KMK: On the Border Seoul

  1. oh i am sad! i heard there was an on the border in seoul and i was so happy. i would never eat it here in the states (and haven't yet) but i didn't think it could be this yick! I will have to try out casa maya when i get there.

  2. Oh, Nicole, don’t get me started on the pizza! I miss the pizza back home. Though I still think Korean pizza has some inspired toppings.Jane, I’m wondering if I should have had a magarita as well. Everything is better with a magarita. Casa Maya is next for me, but maybe I should just move on to Indian or something.

  3. I’ve gotta say the time I went, I enjoyed it. I had some meal set that actually had beans, but I was pissed because they were sold out of black beans. The waitress simply did not realize that you DON’T sell out of black beans in a Mexican restaurant, period. But I’m under no fantasy that it’s anywhere near authentic.This is a country where people believe that that ja-jangmyun crap is really Chinese food. Ask any Chinese person that lives here if that’s a standard on Chinese tables and you get a laugh.I thought the overpriced margaritas were great. As a former big city bartender, I think I’ve got some drink evaluation cred.I agree that I wouldn’t go back for the food because you can get Mexican inspired stuff at a much cheaper price elsewhere in Seoul. However, for a social gathering it’s fun enough.

  4. There’s a decent Mexican place in Hongdae right across form the park called Casa Maya. Not the best but………..

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