KMK: Hackney

Cafes Food

While some cafes possess the heart and warmth of your grandmother’s living room Hackney exudes the sleek coolness of your gay uncle’s den. Owner and proprietor Yum Yeong-il has imbued the place with a definite modern stark white, black, and gray palette. It’s a place to grab a bite to eat, and gossip with friends over coffee. It’s  not really a snuggle in a plush chair lost in your kindle kind of place.

With all the cafe options in HBC you may wonder what sets Hackney apart. I’d say it’s definitely the selection of sandwiches. Each is made with sourdough bread. You can choose between ham & cheese, turkey & ham, apple & bacon, or chicken breast.  Priced from 4,500 to 7,500W. There’s also a shrimp & gruyere salad as well as anchovy & garlic or seafood pasta.

On the sweeter side of things there’s bread pudding and creme brulee. Though the creme brulee wasn’t a hit.  There’s also a selection of teas, coffees, and wine.

EDITOR’S NOTE: They no longer serve sandwiches.



3,500 to 16,000W


12 a.m. to 11 p.m. Mondays through Fridays

12 a.m. to 1 a.m. Fridays to Sundays


(02) 794-2668


45-9 Yongsandong 2 Ga, Yongsangu, Seoul, South Korea


Hackney on Facebook


From noksapyeoung exit 2 walk straight. When the road splits go left following the kimchi pots. Keep going straight, it will be on your right past Indigo and Hungry Dog.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

5 thoughts on “KMK: Hackney

      1. Oh, I am in the area. Just haven’t had to chance to get my lazy butt to HBC (I live in Gyeongnidan area LOLOL!). Btw. Is their opening hours supposed to be 12 PM? Because if it’s 12 AM, then that means they are only opened for one hour on the weekend and 23 hours on the weekdays? XD

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