
KMK: Czechoslovakianese?

Opinion Satire

The 사무실

Transcripts from a “frustrating-when-it’s-happening”, but “funny-in-retrospect” foreigner-infused Korean workplace.
Gaston: “Rolanda, Czechoslovakia citizen is what?”
Rolanda: “Um, a person who was born, raised and has a passport from the Czech Republic…in Europe.”
Gaston: “Please come and look at this resume.”
Resume says “Citizen – Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma”
Rolanda: “Oh, that’s a native American Indian.”
Gaston: “In Europe?”
Rolanda: “No, a native American Indian.”
Gaston: “Hmm…OK, thanks!”

Rolanda Johnson
Transcripts from a "frustrating-when-it's-happening", but "funny-in-retrospect" foreigner-infused Korean workplace. The main characters are the author, Rolanda from the West, and her co-worker, Gaston from Korea.

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