KMK: The World Oriental Medicine Bio Expo in Jecheon

Events Health & Beauty Lifestyle

Experience the fascinating world of oriental medicines, natural therapies and traditional medicinal magic from all over the globe in one exciting location. The World Oriental Medicine Bio Expo located in the lush rural city of Jecheon just two hours away from Seoul is a one stop shop for body, mind and spirit. Immerse yourself into a world of massage, acupuncture, herbal medicines, Oriental and International medicines and treatments.
The month long event will cascade with everything imaginable related to oriental medicines and therapies. The Expo area will overflow with gardens, herb gardens, parks, restaurants, stages all balanced by a stunning creek running right though the middle. As well as the pavilions, exhibitions, clinics and other such spaces elaborated in the other pages there will be a children’s park, a maze garden, aquatic botanical garden, observatory, themepark and a herb fair. The diverse sights and sounds will literally take you a whole day to discover and all for the cost of just one ticket.
For more details please visit the official blog at:
Also please visit the Bio Expo site:;jsessionid=A98BB57AFD2FB46AF25DD19656B4ED67


2 thoughts on “KMK: The World Oriental Medicine Bio Expo in Jecheon

  1. How often is the BioExpo held? May name is Blake Nelson, reaching out as a U.S. pharmacist and presently serve on the Board of Directors for the Spokane-Jecheon Sister City Association, located in Washington State. I would like to begin to put together a delegation to visit. Thanks for any info you can provide!

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