KMK: Wild Women’s Performing Arts Festival 2010

Events Lifestyle

Coming this February is the 2010 Wild Women’s Performing Arts Festival. That’s a mouth full to say and the acronym, WWPAF, isn’t any easier but what does matter is that this event will be a rollicking good time all for a great cause.

Shawn McRae, the media coordinator for the event, described it as a bi-annual fund raising event that uses visual and aural performances in order to address the issue of gender equality in Korea as well throughout the world.

Performers run the gamut from straight up musicians to spoken word artists to out of control wild women dancers stomping a beat like bacchanalian  maeneads. Some of the performers include Oriental Lucy, Carlita Ector,  Eshe Yidiz and Lauren Bedard. Who can resist all that? I certainly can’t. Hopefully you can’t either as all proceeds are given given to the KWAU (Korea Women’s Association United), which is a wonderful organization that works tirelessly to advocate for women’s issues in Korea, including the Korean Women’s Hotline, the Dashi Hamkke Anti-Trafficking Organization and agencies for disabled women.

This event is also the inaugural event for International Women’s Day (March 8), which is a day that promotes global awareness, equality and an end to the social ills that continue to exploit, degrade and endanger the female members of our community. worthwhile cause of promoting gender equality.

Dates: February 27th, 2010

Time: 8pm-5am

Location: Mong Hwan in Shinchon


For more information contact:

Shawn McRae
WWPAF Media Coordinator

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

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