Kiss My Kimchi Needs You!

KMK: LG Ambassador Recruitment

Culture Lifestyle

Hi guys and gals! I received a notice from Sean of Connect A Hill & Knowlton Company who is looking for International Students here in Korea for the upcoming LG Ambassador Recruitment contest! Read on to find out more.

Life Tastes Good Championship 2010

Wanted: Students with Good Taste

What is the Life Tastes Good Championship?

The LG Life Tastes Good Championship (LG LTGC) is a fun global cooking competition for amateur chefs, recogingnizing innovative, nutritious and delcious recipes created by everyday people.

Who are the Life Tastes Good Ambassadors?

Students who will promote the LG LTGC through facebook and get to rub shoulders with chefs from around the world at an exciting global cooking competition as a LG representative.

What are the Official Roles of the Ambassadors?

To fulfill your obligation as an official Ambassador, you will be required to:

1. Regularly post fun and interesting Content on the LGTC facebook page in English

2. Attend bot the Korea LTGC and the Grand Final events as our official reporters.

3. Accompany the LTGC global finalists in Seoul as a tour guide

Who is Eligible to Become a Life Tastes Good Ambassador?

We aer looking for international students residing in Korea until Deceber who can attend events on August 29th and September 27 to 30th in Seoul. you should also be an active social media user and comforatable with English.

How to Apply?

Tell us why you would like to be an Ambassador on the wall of the LTGC Facebook page and email us at

applications close on August 17th at 6pm.

Successful applicants will be notified on August 20th

For you hard work:

1st place: 2,500,000 KRW

2nd place: 2,000,000 KRW

3rd place: 1,500,000 KRW

others: 1,000,000 KRW

LTGC website:



Phone: 02 2287-0953

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

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