KMK: Boryeong Mud Festival Part 2

Events Lifestyle
Boryeong Beach has a nice promenade to stroll during the night hours. Seafood restaurants and shops line the streets and its all about shellfish, well mostly anyway.

Here is our meal above in tanks waiting to be scooped up, grilled and devoured.

I haven’t been really a shellfish lover, but it was a fun dining experience. You grill the shellfish and wait for them to pop open before scooping out the meat.

The owner of the restaurant was really a great guy, he kept coming over to the table and giving us free dishes. Morris explained that the owner’s sister in law is American military and he wanted to leave me with a good impression of Korea. I’m glad I didn’t correct him that I’m an esl teacher not a solidier, because maybe the dishes would have stopped coming
Here is the aftermath of a shellfish dinner. Glad I didn’t have to clean that up.
Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

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