Taco Chili Chili Taco Chili Chili

KMK: Taco Chili Chili

Food Restaurants

I never thought I’d eat a burrito I didn’t like, but I was wrong. I should have known better. I’ve had the best Mexican food in Seoul at Taco Rico, but that wasn’t good enough for me.

Well, yeah it is, but at the time I didn’t think it was good enough to travel half way across the city to have when a newly discovered Mexican joint stood just a few feet away. Well, I was wrong, wrong, wrong and learned a valuable lesson: when you find a good thing never look back.

I was out and about with Ian and Kalli on a cold winter weekend morning. We originally went in search of waffles but unable to agree upon a place we settled on the Taco Chili Chili place we spotted.

At first everything seemed normal enough. The typical décor I’ve come to expect of overseas Mexican places was all there. I’m talking about the overwhelming red, orange, and blue color palate as well as the required cactus, sombrero, and plastic vegetables (which somehow universally scream MEXICAN) were accounted for.

The staff is friendly, nice, and courteous. I’m sorry they are, because I feel a tad guilty since I have to rip on the food. It’s unavoidable, though. I don’t think I would ever go back. The plate of Grande nachos just tasted like one big old congealed mess of leftovers served up to get rid of the food before it spoiled. My burrito tasted bland and stale which made me wonder if they’d just nuked straight out of the freezer instead of cooking it up fresh. I’m sure they didn’t’ do that, but it sure did taste as if they did.

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Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

4 thoughts on “KMK: Taco Chili Chili

    1. Blasphemy! How could yo prefer taco bell over the flavorful goodness of Taco Rico? Though I give them points for their cinnamon crisps! They do have those here dont they?

  1. Maybe they had an off day because I'd take Panchos over them. I should probably just stick to Taco Rico though and stop taking chances with my Mexican food!

  2. i haven't been here in a long time, but the few times I've tried, I didn't think it was too bad. Not outstanding or anything, but it wasn't bad. Certainly better than panchos…

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