KMK: When in Rome…where they speak Italian Part 2

Opinion Satire

The 사무실

Transcripts from a “frustrating-when-it’s-happening”, but “funny-in-retrospect” foreigner-infused Korean workplace.

: Rolanda…what language do they speak in Italia?

Rolanda : Ummm…Italian?

Gaston : Well, when I called the Korean consulate there I didn’t know what to do because all of the options to connect to the different departments was in Italy-en.  (**Strongly re-worded to cater to our readers’ comprehension.)

Rolanda : Maybe you could try pushing any number.  Even though you don’t understand what it is, you can at least be connected and the person who picks up will most likely speak Korean.

Gaston : Oh really?  I could do that?

**This comes after a long debate on whether or not an EU citizen of a different country could get his visa in Italy.  See Part 1 for the whole story.

Rolanda Johnson
Transcripts from a "frustrating-when-it's-happening", but "funny-in-retrospect" foreigner-infused Korean workplace. The main characters are the author, Rolanda from the West, and her co-worker, Gaston from Korea.

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