KMK: Budae Jjigae

Food Victuals


reason 14

I don’t know if you’ve heard about Budae Jjigae, but it’s one meal that not only kicks ass because of the taste but also because of its history. Out of the hardship and desperate times emerged a unique dish that stirs memories of the past as well as satisfy the taste buds.

Budae Jjigae

Budae Jjigae, known as army stew, originated after the Korean War. During those times poverty was the norm and the only way for the poor to scrap together a meal was to take the scraps left by the American soldiers at the army base. Out of the strife came Budae Jjigae. The traditional ingredients of red chili paste and kimchi were added to items gleaned from the base such as canned ham, spam, and hot dogs.

Today the dish serves as a reminder of the past as well as a look towards the future. New ingredients such as mushrooms, beef, sausage, ramen, garlic, onions and a host of others has recast Budae Jjigae into a modern dish. It’s hearty and flavorful and spicy goodness.

Don’t take my word for it, go out and get a bowl now!

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

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