Okay, we all know or come to know that living in Korea will mean facing shall we say unpleasantness, from time to time. There’s is a long list of greivances that the foreign community in Korea has including but not limited to:
Yellow Journalism
Unreasonable suspicion
Now some people ignore it, others combat it, and some just roll with it and try to find the humor in the ugliness. Thus I bring to your attention:
What do you think? Hilariously funny or Morally offensive? Personally, I think its down right guffaw inducing. Someone out there took all their frustration and funneled it into a creative bit of sarcasm aimed squarely at those who perpetrate the offense.
But I digress. Maybe some of you don’t feel the same?
What do you think?
WHY DID I SELECT THIS ARTICLE/SITE?! I just had to stop and take out the time to comment. GAFFAW, indeed! There aren’t fonts large enough to express the gaffaw I’m experiencing right now! Especially, since I’m having to re-read it in order to understand the words that are actually mis-spelled on purpose, but is the way they are pronounced. Then, that DID IT for me. I completely lost it! I have to stop periodically while reading it, because I’ve laughed myself into a side-aching pain!!!
It's too much right? I bet they had a good time creating it!
Oh my god I had to close the screen and save it for when I get home I was laughing so hard at my desk! I get the feeling it will meet its end like Lousy Korea but in the meantime, nothing wrong with a little comic relief!
I think you're right that it won't last but its some light hearted laughs in the meantime.