I know, I know I am a few days late posting this, but better late than never, unless of course I was posting this on December 31, 2009 which wouldn’t be too much better at all.
So without further ado!
1. Money
I am notorious at spending huge amounts of money on frivilous items. My first resolution is to save at least 500 US dollars at month.
2. Travel
I will see at least one new country this year. I love to travel, but in 2008 I didn’t manage to make it anywhere! Though going home instead of finding some south asian paradise was well worth it.
3. Fitness
I have been on the spurt and stop mode of excercise. Things were going great until I went back home for Thanksgiving. Since I’ve returned to Korea I have only been to the gym once. ARRRGGGGH! So I will go minimum three times a week!
I think my three resolutions are reasonable and very doable. Maybe they’re not so sexy, but I am very excited about tackling them.
What are your new year’s resolutions!!!?
Be nicer…to people, animals, inanimate objects…just be nicer in general I suppose!
I highly recommend the “Seoul Stairmaster” as an addition to your exercise regimen…just cut escalators out of your life and then go lots of fun places on the subway. k. hartvigsen
amanda: Better cheese! Yum!Barbara: Your twist has inspired me to jazz my list up! Every motivation helps keep it in mind.
I pretty much have the same ones, with a twist.#1 Amen and hallelujah. C’mon, do I *really* need another poster? Another fruity shower soap?#2 Rhymes with #1. Hard to run off to J-land if you have no money in the bank.#3 I am the original pomme du couch, so just getting lost on Namsanm is like Iron Man to me. So no problem there–just resolved not to sprain an ankle and living in Korea will keep me in shape.Cheers!
I have a 101 in 1001 list on the go, so my only others were to love my lazy when I have it and to eat better cheese more often.