KMK: White Day

Culture Lifestyle
You might not have known, but today, March 14th, is White Day in Korea and Japan. Last month on the 14th we celebrated Valentine’s day, but here, unlike back home, only girls give chocolate to boys. Now, on White Day, it’s the boys turn to return the favor. Throughout classrooms and business offices gals are enjoying a bit of chocoloate love.
I think this holiday should be adopted back home. Any excuse for fun and frivolity should be definitely encouraged, especially if it involves chocolate.
On a related note back in 2000 there was even a White Day video game put out on the PC. Take a look!


Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

8 thoughts on “KMK: White Day

  1. I challenge everyone to name a holiday that has not been commercialized!

    Wes, it's sad, but true. Just like Sweety's day back home in the United States. I think a lot of the 14th holidays seem to exist solely to support some industry. Though you could probably say that about most holidays, right?

  2. I’m not sure about the origins or why everyone doesn’t just give chocolate to each other on valentine’s but why question any chocolate loving?

  3. Wow! I never knew about this. I'll celebrate White day next year :)</></>Why do they celebrate White day??

  4. "boys give chocolate to girls. Now, on White Day, it's the girls turn to return the favor."</></>I believe you have it backwards!

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