Looking for a reasonably priced Italian lunch? Then be sure to head over to Abici Roma in Gangnam. Though I should warn you the reasonable aspect only applies to the 15,000won lunch set because the prices quickly escalate from there. Of course some may consider 15,000Won pricey in a land where one can eat a satisfying lunch of kimbab and side dishes for a couple thousand won.
Still, if you’re craving Italian food then I think Abici well tame the savage beast you call a stomach. First up the set menu offers bread along with a light salad.
Which is quickly followed by a small bowl of flavorful soup.
Backed up by my choice of pasta. I went with the mushroom fettucini which proved to be a good choice.
I was just about to pack up and leave when I discovered dessert and coffee came with the meal. Who am I to turn down a fruity sorbet?
You can find Abici Roma near exit 6 of Gangnam Station. Just walk straight and look to your left. It’s on the main street.

KMK: Abici Roma
Looking for a reasonably priced Italian lunch? Then be sure to head over to Abici Roma in Gangnam. Though I should warn you the reasonable aspect only applies to the 15,000won lunch set because the prices quickly escalate from there. Of course some may consider 15,000Won pricey in a land where one can eat a satisfying lunch of kimbab and side dishes for a couple thousand won.
Still, if you’re craving Italian food then I think Abici well tame the savage beast you call a stomach. First up the set menu offers bread along with a light salad.
Which is quickly followed by a small bowl of flavorful soup.
Backed up by my choice of pasta. I went with the mushroom fettucini which proved to be a good choice.
I was just about to pack up and leave when I discovered dessert and coffee came with the meal. Who am I to turn down a fruity sorbet?
You can find Abici Roma near exit 6 of Gangnam Station. Just walk straight and look to your left. It’s on the main street.
Awww… My friend told me this place long ago but I didn't go there yet. I hope to be there 2009. One of my wishes for 2009!