Hi Seoul Summer Festival Hi Seoul Summer Festival

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KmKorner Opinion

I was stationed in Korea in 1980-81-82 used to go the Silverwave when OB was only 1500 won for a big bottle also alittle Captain Q rum was with 121th Evac Hospital. Party at the Lucky 7 Heavy metal and I can’t remember the name of it but the country bar at the top of Hooker Hill those were the days. When I got there, they still had a midnight curfew. When that ended the party was late. Is popeye diner still there?

Jason Phelps

Hey Jason!

I think the bar on hooker hill you’re thinking about is Grand Ole Opry. Its so country and western you expect Tim MacGraw or Dolly Parton to come moseying on through. There’s line dancing, beer guzzling, and your favorite crooners all wailing away.

There’s a KFC near Itaewon station, but no Popeyes. Maybe there’s one on the base. There also a few scattered about the city.

Hope that helps!

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

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