KMK: Korea’s Gaming Trend

Arts Video Games


Be A Part Of Korea’s Gaming Trend By Becoming A Competitive Gamer

Years of your mother telling you that video games are bad for you have just been wiped away by recent reports that state, well, video games are actually beneficial in a number of ways. Research shows that people who play video games frequently can process stimulators faster than others, which essentially means their brains work faster. Throw in a competitive aspect to that gaming and you’ve got yourself a pretty interesting hobby, or job. That’s right. You can make money playing video games, but it’ll take a bit of practice and work. So, if you’re not interested in the fact that two Olympic games have been held in South Korea, then maybe getting into different types of games might help spark interest and understanding of the culture. At the very least, you’ll have a lot of fun.

Figure Out the Rules of eSports

eSports refers to the world of organized video game competitions, and there are actually arenas around the world dedicated to these types of competitions. In Seoul, the Sflex Stadium and the Nexon Arena are both large stadiums dedicated to professional gaming, and the Korean government has actually announced that they’re planning to build three more eSports stadiums by 2020. However, your work will start long before you make it to those stadiums. First, you’ll want to pick your game. This is important as most professional gamers usually focus on one game they become experts at. Then, study the best tactics and watch footage of gameplay. This will likely lead you to conferences and live events, which are great ways to meet other people who can eventually become your teammates.

Get the Right Gear

Once you’re well into your competitive gaming training, you’ll need to upgrade your gear. While having the latest LG Gram looks cool in theory, and will ensure you fit in with the roves of Korean students studying at cafes, you’ll need a PC that can handle your gaming lifestyle. What’s really important here is investing in a computer or laptop that is highly customizable. Being able to switch parts in and out as they are released will allow you to upgrade your computer’s hard drive and graphics cards in a way that will ensure you’ve got a competitive edge. It goes without saying, too, that you’ll need a PlayStation or Xbox, but if you don’t have one, you can head to your local PlayStation bang to practice gaming until you’ve got your own console. The latter is a great way to build friendships and be a part of the Korean community while doing so.

Follow in the Footsteps of Others

Competitive gaming might sound a little weird at first, but when you find out that Faker, one of South Korea’s top competitive gamers, reportedly makes up to $2.5 million a year playing video games, it’ll probably suddenly sound a lot more interesting. Figure out what he’s done and emulate his success story. The key here is getting in with a good team, and to do that you’ll have to either be recruited or attend a try out of sorts. Becoming sponsored is another way to enhance your competitive gaming career, and will help ensure you’ve always got the right equipment to play with.

Enjoy Playing Video Games

This one seems a bit too obvious to even mention, but the key to becoming a successful pro gamer is to enjoy what you do. Like anything else in life, it should be something that you feel passionate about, and chances are that if you love playing video games, then becoming a competitive gamer is something you’ll really love. The great news is that there are tons of places around Seoul and beyond that will allow you to not only practice your gaming skills but also meet other like-minded people who are just as interested in the industry and culture as you are.


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