KMK: Korean Girl Overwatch Killing Machine

Arts Video Games

Korean Girl Overwatch Killing Machine, yup that’s right. Overwatch, the latest first person shooter, strangles the competition here in Korea. Passion doesn’t begin to explain how much players invest into this brand new game from Blizzard. It’s not hard to see why. Breath taking graphics along with scintillating game mechanics and high paced action has captured the minds and hearts of almost everyone.

People in Korea take their Overwatch seriously, especially with competitive play coming soon, so when folks suspect something funny they cry foul immediately. That’s the case when two Pro-Gamers expressed shock, awe, and disbelief at the KDA numbers Korean Pro-Gamer Geguri (which means Frog in Korean) has been putting up.

You see, in Overwatch it’s all about killing them before they kill you. Geguri (개구리) accomplishes this far better than most. Her KDA ratio hovers at 6.3 which means she’s taking six of the competition with her for every one of her deaths. That makes her one of the top ten Overwatch players in the world.  That’s pretty amazing. It’s even more amazing that Geguri is a 17 year old Korean girl. Not that girls can’t game, but the gaming culture remains so overwhelmingly male and sexist that of course suspicion rained down on Geguuri because how could a girl be mowing down these guys without some king of hack? Insert eye roll here.

Players ETLA and Strobe, from rival team Dizziness, called out Geguri for cheating and reported her to Blizzard Korea. ETLA and Strobe were so convinced of Geguri’s guilt that they staked their careers on it. Both vowed to quit competitive gaming if were proved to be wrong and she indeed possessed the skills she displayed online.  It’s not like cheating doesn’t happen in Overwatch. Blizzard has banned thousands of accounts for hacking and exploits and the game just dropped in May! But still, that takes some big balls or maybe tiny balls to accuse a fellow Pro of cheating based on… what? That a girl can’t be that good? Sure looks that way since they aren’t condemning other top players. Maybe they should have checked out Geguri’s profile which boasts hundreds of matches under her belt and an astoundingly high win rate playing as her favorite character, Zarya.

Not that it would have mattered because as they say: Hater’s gonna hate. So, with her reputation in question Geguri rose to the occasion and showed the haters what’s what in the name of Karma.

Blizzard Korea launched an investigation which cleared Geguri. Of course, that’s not enough when it’s a girl whose being called into question so to squash the matter thoroughly a Korean gaming site, Inventory, called up Geguri to compete in a live public demo. The Demo went over an hour. Check it out below:

So, not only did Geguri vindicate herself but she waved good bye to two competitors who actually quit Overwatch competitive play! That’s a sour way to go, but bye, boys, bye! Her aim is just that good!

Check out some of the online coverage below!

Conclusion? Don’t be sexist. Don’t be a dick. Up your game play. And checkout Geguri on Twitter!

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

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