Kim Dong Soon

KMK: Kim Dong Soon

Arts Museums

Kim Dong Soon

Fall 2015’s Seoul Fashion Week featured Kim Dong Soon’s collection.  Oxymoron and contrivance were the main guests of the runway, without discounting the styles’ roots from the posers that kept the front door of DDP warm.
Respected for her high-end status, Kim delivered all, except the inspiration and originality. Soon’s pieces were inspired rather than inspiring.  Her designs resurrected the “drop-crotch” pants, prolonging their existence, to the delight of hipsters and deprived fashionistas.
Though “drop-crotch” barely evokes the true plunging depths of Soon‘s pants.
“Drop-knees” more specifically describes this creation.  Some might say it’s Avant-garde, while other, more knowing individuals, would say contrived.  I would fall more onto the latter side of that debate.  Anyone who’s seen Project Runway knows that creativity and originality remain essential to fashion design, but it seems that Kim Dong Soon never caught an episode.

Kim Dong Soon

The usual drama associated with fashion must have been siphoned off to another show, one not named “Ultimo” by Kim Dong Soon.  Some of the fabrics she used were suited more for Reese Witherspoon’s tent from the movie WILD: think and stiff. Kathy Ireland’s K-mart collection would be proud. The whole loose-fit look reminded me of Humpty Dumpy with a gastric bypass.
Though Soon presented a commendable number of pieces, they all felt like random puzzle pieces attached together.  The clash of young and old desperately called attention to itself like grandma’s picnic tablecloth hugging a fresh faced model all the while cotton-ball like embellishments dangled from teh seams of lace crafted pants.
Just no.
Watching her collection felt like I was attending brunch with Lucille Bluth celebrating “The Day of the Dead.”  Soon’s ideas were scattered, and it’s apparent that whatever creativity she possesses slips in and out of her consciousness like a Will-o’-the-Wisp. If she simply allowed herself to tap into that part of the brain consciously, then her Spring Collection might have been less of a nap inducing yawn.


Joe Achacoso
If ya ain't got nothin' nice to say, come sit by me.

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