Computer-Aided English Learning Computer-Aided English Learning

KMK: Tips For Computer-Aided English Learning


Tips For Computer-Aided English Learning. Language is the medium we use to share our thoughts with other people, more and more people are learning a foreign language in order to communicate with people from different countries who speak another language. To master a language, we need to focus on reading, writing, listening and speaking, and to be completely immersed in the language. Now there are many people around the world who are learning English as a Second Language, what should they do to learn English effectively?

Traveling, living and studying abroad are ideal ways to learn any language while broadening your cultural awareness. However, that’s not always practical. In fact by learning by yourself and being consistent, you can actually make considerable progress.

In order to help language learners master English, we need as many tools and resources we can find. An English grammar guide and a dictionary are necessary, this will help you understand the basic mechanics of the language and the differences and similarities with your native language.

Meanwhile, we should take advantage of resources such as book, newspaper, music, movie, radio and TV. A smart language learner also uses all the new technologies to reach his goal. With the help of modern information technology, learning English will be easier than ever. Internet can be the most primary resource. There are many online language courses, online dictionaries, newsgroups and other web resources such as magazine, newspapers, radio, TV, podcasts and blogs to help with your learning. There is so much good information out there. Whenever you have a question or something you don’t understand, write it down, either ask a friend or go to the web for help. There are always friendly people in chat rooms, forums or Usenet, and of course the web knows all.

It’s pretty crucial we are able to hear what and how a native speaker of that language speaks and talks. You can talk in real time with native English speakers directly just like on the telephone by utilizing voice and video chatting software, or using any of the main instant messaging services or software such as Skype. Additionally, you can use text to speech software to improve pronunciation and listening skills. Text to speech technology has been widely used, such as in a variety of telecommunication services where information is provided via telephone messages. Using text to speech software in language learning is an engaging and effective way to learn a language, you will now have the ability to see how a word should sound phonetically, as well as being able to listen to an accurate pronunciation. For example, by running the text to speech software Panopreter Plus on Windows 7 computers, ESL/EFL learners will hear Microsoft Anna’ s natural spoken speech at various speeds, and users are able to create MP3 audio files with the software. With just a few mouse button clicks, this software will read any English characters, words, phrases, paragraphs and files with natural voices and save the speech into mp3 audio files, moreover, its toolbar for Internet Explore makes surfing online a listening experience. Now it is possible for you to listen to the native English speaker Microsoft Anna’ s pronunciation on the computer in English learning.

There are so many useful and interesting resources on the web for English learning, these resources will help you tailor a custom program for yourself in language learning. It is also important for you to study a little bit each day instead of a lot occasionally and then not much for a while. Daily repetition makes the language second nature. Generally a motivated person with a good method and practice will learn better and faster.


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