KMK: Sugar Daddy & Momma

Opinion Satire

The 사무실

Note : Highly edited for your comprehension!

Herbert : Rolanda, Ms. Smith needs to FedEx her things to the appropriate office ASAP.

Rolanda : OK, well remember she told me she didn’t have any money to do that, so she asked to use our FedEx account, but I had to tell her that it’s not possible?

Herbert : Yes, but our client needs them ASAP.

Rolanda : OK, well I can call her to tell her that it’s important and she needs to send them no matter what, but the problem is that she says she doesn’t have money to do that.

Herbert : She can ask her parents for money.

Rolanda : So, do you mean that you want me to call her to tell her to ask her parents for money?  A little paranoid and uncomfortable at the thought of telling someone to ask their parents for money.

Herbert : Well it’s her family.

Rolanda : OK, I guess I could suggest that, but it’s kind of, well…weird to ask someone that.

Herbert : Well, in Korea and Japan, that’s what family is for.

Rolanda : Right, I understand it’s different in Korea, but she’s not Korean or Japanese.

Herbert : But she could ask her parents.

Rolanda : Well, I suppose she could, but it’s not guaranteed that they’ll give it to her.  I haven’t asked for or received money from my parents like that since I was 14.

Herbert : Well we need her documents.  It’s just my mind that her parents should give her the money if she really needs it.

Rolanda : So…do you want me to call her to ask her to do that?

Herbert : No…

Rolanda : Hmm…OK, so what would you prefer me to do?  It’s no problem to call her…really.

Herbert : Nothing.

Problem solved! :S

Rolanda Johnson
Transcripts from a "frustrating-when-it's-happening", but "funny-in-retrospect" foreigner-infused Korean workplace. The main characters are the author, Rolanda from the West, and her co-worker, Gaston from Korea.

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