The 63 building has many hidden treasures. One of them happens to be a full fledge aquarium.
They manage to squeeze a lot of critters in there including everyone’s favorite cold weather flightless bird.
Some of the tanks are so big that the staff dive in to feed the fish. Lets hope its not the shark tank then again it would add some excitement.
I think by far the most fun happened to not be fish at all. The otters brought a smile to everyone who sat and watched them frolic around their little habitat.
Don’t get me wrong. The other creatures of the sea had their moments but nothing beats the mishevious look in an otters eye. They scampered about tousling and rough housing and generally displayed more personality than any fish could ever muster up. Including those adorable clown fish that tend to wiggle about in adoring fashion.
I called this lovely undersea bad girl, Bertha.
The Seaworld aquarium doesn’t neglect the less water inclined of the animal kingdom either. The snakes and lizards definitely represented. I’m sure some of those dolled up Korean girls had a glimmer in their eye for new snake skin shoes and a lizard clutch bag.
When you go the 63 building you may as well take in all the sights and hit up the aquarium too. You can even get a megapass for the tower, imax and aquarium. Did I mention there’s a seal show? There is. I know you’re tempted now.

KMK: 63 Seaworld
The 63 building has many hidden treasures. One of them happens to be a full fledge aquarium.
They manage to squeeze a lot of critters in there including everyone’s favorite cold weather flightless bird.
Some of the tanks are so big that the staff dive in to feed the fish. Lets hope its not the shark tank then again it would add some excitement.
I think by far the most fun happened to not be fish at all. The otters brought a smile to everyone who sat and watched them frolic around their little habitat.
Don’t get me wrong. The other creatures of the sea had their moments but nothing beats the mishevious look in an otters eye. They scampered about tousling and rough housing and generally displayed more personality than any fish could ever muster up. Including those adorable clown fish that tend to wiggle about in adoring fashion.
I called this lovely undersea bad girl, Bertha.
The Seaworld aquarium doesn’t neglect the less water inclined of the animal kingdom either. The snakes and lizards definitely represented. I’m sure some of those dolled up Korean girls had a glimmer in their eye for new snake skin shoes and a lizard clutch bag.
When you go the 63 building you may as well take in all the sights and hit up the aquarium too. You can even get a megapass for the tower, imax and aquarium. Did I mention there’s a seal show? There is. I know you’re tempted now.