KMK: Beauty and The Beast

Health & Beauty Lifestyle

Contrary to popular belief the metrosexual revolution has not been stamped out under a parade combat booted ultra macho roughnecks, no sir, those guys just slap on their hair gel and slather on the body creme and then hide the bottles.

However, in Korea there’s no need to run in shame if you’re a metrosexual, but the revolution is in full effect. The men want to look just as good as the women and if that means buying body hugging, waist slimming, thigh constricting underwear then by damn they are going to buy it and wear it proudly.

This, of course, has cosmetic companies dancing jigs of joy as, according to the Chosun, they have seen their prospects in the female market hit a wall. Now they can ply their wares to the unsuspecting males who probably don’t know the difference between a whitening creme and a moisturizer.

Even plastic surgery has become the new frontier for men on the hunt for that perfect physique. I’m all for doing what makes you feel good, but there’s gotta be some limits, right? After being nipped, tucked, sliced, and diced these guys might be more mannequin than metrosexual.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

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