KMK: Cinderella Had it Good

Arts Film
I cannot believe this. That people who supposedly love children so much that they adopted a baby to complete their family then go and give the child away to social services seven years later! You can read about it at The West. Thanks to the Occidentalismfor the heads up.I’m trying to understand what credible reason two parents could have for giving back a child they adopted after seven years. Did they just wake up one morning and think, ‘hey, that Korean kid is nice and all, but that ten year expiration date is getting kind of close. Better return her now.” How cold is that, right? There is no legitimate reason parents in their circumstances could have for giving away a child, unless of course they never considered her their child but just an accessory.

These people are deplorable. I sincerely doubt they would have given away their two natural born children they had after they adopted. No, the fad of a having an “Asian baby they rescued from poverty and given a new life” probably wore off. Maybe she wasn’t sufficiently grateful enough by thanking them every day for saving her from that “third world country Korea” or maybe she was slacking in her Cinderella duties. Hey, that’s what the evil stepmother should have done; shipped Cinderella off to the orphanage.

To make matters worse the man is a Diplomat! What kind of message does that send? Now I don’t know for sure, but let me say that I think that after having their two natural children these asses decided that their little colored child didn’t fit into their Hallmark Holiday picture card anymore. “Hmm, dear, do you really think she fits into the color scheme? Before we balanced her out, but now she’s just drowned out. Let’s try a photo without her. Oh! That’s so much better!”

Harsh, but somehow true I think. They should really release the names of these people. Thankfully, the outrage toward their act is ongoing as well as the love reaching out to this little girl with offers to take her in. Still, how can you replace a family you’ve had for seven years? Hopefully, a fairytale ending will happen for this little girl.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

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