Seoul Museum of Art Seoul Museum of Art

KMK: Seoul Museum of Art

Arts Museums

The Seoul Museum of Art is located near City Hall in downtown Seoul. Currently the big news at the museum is the huge Van Gogh exhibition that opened this past Saturday. It’s the first Van Gogh exhibition for Seoul and it brought hundreds and hundreds of eager people out to the museum.

The exhibition has over sixty of Van Gogh’s paintings and drawings, covering his Dutch and Paris periods as well as his works created while he was a patient at psychiatric asylum and the period after his release.

Ticket prices range from 8,000 won for children to 12,000 won for adults. The Van Gogh exhibit runs until March 16, 2008. The museum is open weekdays Tuesday thru Friday 10am to 9pm and weekends from 10am to 8pm.

I wasn’t able to take pictures of the actual paintings, but I did get a few outside shots of the Museum itself as well as some shots of the lobby.

The Museum has a very open and modern feel and is worth exploring for its own sake.

Here are a few web pics of some of the more noteworthy pieces of the exhibition. You can also view other well known paintings like “Irises”.
The crowds made viewing somewhat speedy as we were hurried along. You might want to consider a week day visit so you can take your time and enjoy the experience at a more leisurely pace.

Statues adorn the lamposts outside of the museum.
Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

4 thoughts on “KMK: Seoul Museum of Art

  1. What a great site you've got going! Wish I had a blog like yours to read while I was in Korea. Also, say hi to Samarra for me, we know each other from Queen's… what a small world. Looking forward to more Korean adventures.</>Cheers!

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