English Quiz English Quiz

KMK: English Quiz


Ministry of English Global Induction

English Quiz: Unit 14


  1. I. Connect the word in Column A with the related word in Column B



Banana                                                       Shore

Holocaust                                                   Fruit

Pauly                                                           Adab

Hand                                                            Didn’t happen

Thavron                                                      Better than your country

America                                                       Job



  1. II. Fill in the blanks from the words below to complete the sentences:

placenta   |    communist   |             indian       |             drunk         |          donkey      | Scottish

1)      The quick brown _________ jumped over the lazy _________.

2)      May I have two kilograms of your finest _________ please?

3)      How much are tickets to the _______ show?

4)      I am sorry, but my English is poor and your _______ accent makes you sound like you are extremely _________.



  1. III. List the three English-speaking countries with the most promiscuous women:








IV. The following paragraph has some spelling errors. Replace the underlined words with the correct answer:

Susan is an atheist. She votes for the Democratic party in the United States elections. She believes that Barack Obama is an American and a Christian. Susan believes that homosexuals should be treated equally. Susan feels there are a great number of things that Americans can learn from other cultures.


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