The Blue House The Blue House

KMK: The Blue House…Sort of

Culture Lifestyle

When I heard Blue House Korea I thought it was their version of the House of Blues and I thought, “yeah a little music would hit the spot right about now”. Little did I know that it was instead the official presidential residence. We only saw it from a distance and quite by accident as we left the rear entrance of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Tour 2 Korea says:
The symbol of Cheong Wa Dae (known to westerners as the Blue House or the presidential residence), is the blue tiles.The first thing that catches your eye when you arrive at Cheong Wa Dae are the blue tiles of the main building. The blue tiles and the smooth roof are in beautiful harmony with Mt. Bugaksan behind it. As the Blue House represents Korea, the blue tiles and the smooth curve of the roof represents the beauty of Korea.
Now the photo on Tour 2 Korea has mine beat by a mile. I guess it would have been worth it to find a way inside for a tour, but one of the officers on guard patrol said no tours were going on that day anyway. The Phoenix Statue nearby cannot be missed. It really was beautiful.

In any case it sure does seem worth it for a return trip. The architecture looks amazing and I would love to check out the grounds. So there will definitely be a Blue House update.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

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