KMK: Fell + Cole Gastronomic Ice Creams

Cafes Food

To say that I am a lover of the ice creams is like stating the world is round. It’s an undeniable fact. So if you’re like me then you’ve made the rounds of Baskin Robbins and Cold Stones in Korea. Sure these places have a fondest in my heart, but occasionally I want something different from the usual  31 flavors, French Vanilla, or Strawberry Banana Rendezvous. Sometimes I want something so wonderfully  strange that I can’t even imagine what it could be.!

Thankfully owner Hojune “Tristan”  Choi has done all the  thinking for me. His ice cream shop Fell + Cole, named after an intersection in San Francisco, produces colorful tongue twisting flavors never seen in Seoul. Let your mind wrap around combinations like Burnt Caramel with Smoked  Sea Salt, Hokey Porky(maple, cinnamon, brown sugar and candied bacon), Lemon Ginger, Honey Lavender, Jesus Juice(red wine and coca cola), Mexican Hot Chocolate (complete with spicy aftertaste that lingers on the tongue), extra virgin olive oil, Roasted Banana, and Strawberry Red Wine with Szechuan Pepper.


A native born Korean, Choi, interestingly enough, began his ice cream journey unexpectedly over seas. While visiting New Zeland he became enamored with organic blueberry ice cream from Auckland.  During his years in San Francisco he fell in love with Humphry Slowcombe as well as Mitchell’s ice cream. But it was the blog of dessert guru David Lebovitz that  inspired Choi to try his hand at creating his own ice cream creations. The favorable reaction showed him his ice cream hobby could be more than a sweet indulgent for friends.

Upon his return to Korea Choi surveyed the ice cream landscape and saw an opening. The ice cream shops of Seoul mimicked the coffee cafe culture. He couldn’t resist the opportunity to introduce a true ice cream culture experience to the masses. On July 23, 2011 his idea became reality when Fell & Cole opened it’s doors.

Choi hopes to rival the experimental ice cream meccas of Chicago, New York and San Francisco. Besides an awesome array of intriguing flavors Fell & Cole offer a personal touch. Choi and his easy smile can often be found chit chatting with customers while dishing up scoops of Honey Lavender.  So far it’s succeeding. The most popular flavors have been his Burnt Caramel with Smoked Sea Salt, Honey Lavendar, and Kalimotxo aka Jesus Juice.

The menu constantly changes. Once a flavor sells out a new one comes in to take it’s place. usually two new  flavors a day appear in the rotation. So far the constants always on hand have been Honey Lavender, Strawberry Red Wine with Szechuan Pepper, and Kalimotxo. On the horizon look out for Orange Blossom, Rose Water, and Choi has a few interesting ideas for the coming holiday season.

Make no mistake, Fell & Cole is a must for any true ice cream lover.


1 dip 4,200

2 dips 7,900

3 dips 9,900

1 pint 12,500


Mon – Thu:12:00 pm-10:00 pm

Fri – Sat:12:00 pm-12:00 am

Sun:12:00 pm-10:00 pm


070-4411-1434 (+82-70-4411-1434)


서울 408-1 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu (서울시 마포구 서교동 408-1 )



With your back facing Honik University walk to your left. Keep going until you see the 7-11 with The Evan’s Jazz Club on the second floor. Make a right at that corner, walk until you see the Gr8 Hookah and make a left. Fell + Cole should be on your right.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

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