KMK: Ongdal-sam Tea House

Cafes Food

A few weekends ago my friends Ian, Kalli, and I went out to Samcheong-dong for some early morning tea. We found Ongdal-sam tea house which serves up their morning brew in a traditional styled Korean house.
I went with the ginger honey tea on the far right. It was aromatic, delicious, and flavorful. Kalli chose the chilled rice wine, in the back, which has a two day process to reach the table. Ian had the five flavor tea, so named because you are supposed to taste five distinct flavors with each sip.
It was a perfect way to start the day. I suggest getting out there and finding a tea house to sample.

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Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

3 thoughts on “KMK: Ongdal-sam Tea House

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