KMK: RM Revitalizing Korea’s Art Scene

Arts Music

This Is How BTS’ Leader RM Is Revitalizing Korea’s Art Scene

K-pop acts are known for their singing and dancing talent, as well as for their fantastic stage presence and charm. But some groups, such as BTS, are not only known for their music and positive influence on the youth, but also for their ability to turn anything they touch into gold. Indeed, the BTS effect has resulted in the economic growth of South Korea. According to the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Tourism, the overall economic effect of BTS reached 1.7 trillion won, or roughly 1.5 billion US dollars in 2021. Not only that, but the members of the boy band, particularly their leader, Kim Namjoon, also known as RM, has greatly contributed to a renewed interest in local contemporary art, as well as gallery and museum visits all over the country. Here’s how BTS’ RM is revitalizing Korea’s art scene.

A genuine interest in Korean art

RM has dabbled in painting, and he has gone beyond the basics and knows certain techniques such as pointillism, as seen in the group’s 2020 reality series “In The Soop.” This is why sketching simple shapes, such as a cartoon cat, would be a cinch for him, and RM will sometimes share his simple doodles and drawings on social media. But beyond that, what sets the BTS rapper apart from other K-pop stars is his attitude towards art. Instead of just wanting to invest in pricey pieces, he shows a genuine interest in wanting to know more about Korean art. Lee Seunghyun, who is the art director at the Jeongdong 1928 Art Center, said that in an era when they see a lot of people hung up on foreign works, they are grateful that someone like RM chose to learn and support Korean art. RM also diligently posts his museum visits on social media, and as a result, fans and tourists are now visiting the galleries and museums that the rapper has been to, which is a welcome development in the country’s art scene. 

BTS concept

Donating to support art

For his birthday in 2020, RM donated 100 million won, or about $85,000, to Korea’s National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art to support the printing and publishing of rare and out-of-print art books. The books were then distributed to 400 schools and public libraries throughout the country. In an interview, MMCA director Youn Bum-mo said that he was glad when RM said that he wanted to encourage young people to read art books. The director also said that they appreciate the BTS member’s positive influence in the art field as he continues to visit museums, despite his hectic schedule. 

Being recognized for art patronage

RM was named as an Art Patron by the Arts Council Korea in December 2020. He was selected, along with six firms and three other individuals for their support of the local arts scene. Since the pandemic has greatly affected museums and galleries in Korea, the art council has recognized RM’s efforts as he continues to show his support for local artists while following social distancing rules.  

RM’s patronage of the arts goes beyond buying art pieces. With his unwavering support and love of local art, the BTS leader could generate more interest in old and new Korean art as he and his members continue to dominate the music industry. 


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