KMK: Mesmerizing Facts about Having Pets in Seoul

Health & Beauty Lifestyle

white cat on sidewalk behind vehicle

Owning a pet animal is a newer concept in Seoul, North Korea. Earlier, animal were used mostly for utilitarian purposes. With time, owning a pet became quite popular among the Koreans. During the 1990’s, owning a pet dog became highly fashionable. Women used to accessorize their pet puppies with embellished collars and traveled with them everywhere. Later, dogs were trained to assist disabled people in performing their daily tasks. Similarly, they were trained for sniffing out narcotics. In Seoul, veterinary services are readily available for all kinds of pets, especially for dogs. 

Pet Food

Unlike cat food, dog food is readily available in Seoul. However, in more populated areas, organic tinned foods for pets of many popular brands, including Thrive Cat Foods, can be easily purchased. Similar to many other Asian race and culture, cats were not very popular among the Koreans as they were believed to bring bad luck. However, in urban Korea, many Koreans have developed a liking for keeping kittens as pets. Earlier in Korea, cats were also used for getting rid of rats for people suffering from rheumatism.

Pet Funerals

Pet Funerals is comparatively a newer concept in Korea. There are many licensed pet funeral companies that provide services for cremation and melting of the animal’s bones.

Pet Salons

Pet grooming is very popular in Seoul. From simple waning to hair coloring in crazy fashion colors, you will find a variety of different grooming salons offering these services in various parts of the metropolis.

Pet Accessories 

brown dog wearing ski goggles

Korea is known for quirky and cute fashion and therefore, you can easily find cute toys and other pet accessories in Seoul.

Dining With Pets  

Many pet restaurants are opening up in Seoul where dog owners can dine and enjoy some quality time with their pets.


tabby cat on pet bed

In Seoul, it is comparatively easier to rent a flat with a pet if your pet is smaller in size. However, it can be more challenging to find an accommodation if you have bigger pets. It must be understood that there are no legal laws regarding the size of a pet for getting an accommodation in Seoul.

Although, there is no law in Seoul that restricts people from having a pet in their apartment building, however, it is recommended to go through the lease beforehand.

Laws and Regulations 

In South Korea, there is a law that requires all pets to hold an electronic identification tag in public places. Moreover, all pet owners are required to get their pet animals registered at their local veterinary centre by providing the following information:

1. Name of the pet

2. Age 

3. Address and other contact details 

Any owner who has not registered may be fined by the local authorities.

In Seoul, it is mandatory for all dogs to get rabies vaccination. Other important laws for keeping pets in South Korea include:

1. It is illegal in South Korea to buy and sell puppies or kittens less than 4 weeks of age.

2. All puppies and kittens should have an electronic identification tag 

3. While selling a pet animal, the seller should provide the animal’s legitimate vet health certificate and birth certificate to the buyer.

4. It is illegal to sell animals to people below 14 years of age

5. Animal cruelty is strictly prohibited in Seoul 

Traveling With Pets

There are some special rules for transporting animals by air. Many airlines accept pet puppies on board only if their weight is five kilograms or less and are carried in a pet carrier bag. You need to pay an extra fee for traveling with your pets. 

When traveling in a bus, all animals should be in a carrier bag. Service dogs and other animals owned by the disabled for their personal assistance are allowed to travel with their owners on various public transports.

When cats, dogs and other pet animals are outside in public places, they should have their electronic identification chip or tag with them. 

Moreover, pet owners need to use a leash for walking around with their pets, especially in public places. In case a pet is seen walking in a public place without a leash, then the owner is charged with a fine.


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