KMK: Top Tips for Funding Your Dream Vacation

International Travel

More than half the population of Korea, which equates to 26.5 million Koreans, traveled abroad in 2017. This rise in international travel is largely credited to increases in holiday time, rising disposable incomes, and a heightened awareness of traveling overseas. If you’re someone who yearns to travel abroad but don’t seem to have the finances for that dream vacation, don’t despair! With some careful preparation and savings, there are strategies to achieve your holiday of a lifetime. Whether you want to go backpacking around Southeast Asia or go on a shopping spree in a U.S. city, it doesn’t have to be a struggle to fly out of Seoul.

Take control of your money
Providing you do some clever budgeting, you can assess the different ways to be debt free and how you can cut back on your monthly expenditure. Think of changing your spending habits for eating out or shopping for clothes and set a realistic weekly budget that you can stick to. Before funding your trip with a loan or credit card, use technology to help you spend less by shopping online for better bargains, setting up automatic bill payments, and using online banking to budget your finances so you can organize your money on the go. Once you’re more in-tune with what you are spending, you will feel more in control of your money and be better prepared to stick to a budget that works alongside your typical, everyday habits.

Take on extra work

Can you take eye-catching photos? Write a travel blog about your locality? Or teach someone how to play an instrument? There are numerous avenues to take where you can use your skills to create an extra income whether you’re a wizard at IT or in the kitchen. Advertise locally and look online to find different ways to make extra cash for your trip away. If you’re talented at what you do, it’s likely your services will be recognized and start receiving more people with a need to learn a new skill themselves or hire you for a special occasion. If you don’t think you have much to offer, consider looking out for pet or house sitting opportunities as an alternative. 

Rent out your home

Whether you have a spare room or are thinking of renting out your entire home while you’re away, it’s possible to increase your funds for your vacation either way. If you don’t like the idea of sharing your home in the long term, there are plenty of short term options to lease a room for a few nights instead. This is a fantastic opportunity if you live in an area which is popular with tourists or when you live close to an airport for visitors just traveling through. Make sure they feel welcome and you could see your money increasing when the reviews you receive are positive. 

With some careful organizing, money won’t come between you and your dream vacation and you could see yourself flying off without worrying about your cash flow in a short time. 


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