Shannon From Scratch

KMK: Interview with Shannon From Scratch

Interviews Opinion

Do you want to know a secret? I hate to cook. If you know me then it’s not really a secret. After a long day at work and, if I’m feeling ambitious, the gym going home to whip something up in the kitchen just isn’t in the cards for me. Enter Shannon of Shannon from Scratch. Once I discovered her scrumptious homemade meals I decided to leave the cooking to her as much as possible. She kindly sat down for a Q & A so you can get to know what she’s all about!

What is Shannon From Scratch all about?
Shannon from Scratch is about bringing home-cooked western-style meals to a community living abroad. There are so many expats here and many reference food as something they miss the most from home. I cook all kinds of meals (ranging from breakfast to dinner or desserts/snacks) for people who are too busy or too lazy to cook, or may not have the skills or kitchen/equipment to cook.

Why did you start Shannon From Scratch?
I started it because I love to cook. My friends and family love my cooking. I have lived abroad for more than 4 years and know that no matter how long I have been here, I still want a lasagna sometimes. Shannon from Scratch is a way to bring a taste of home to foreigners living abroad, or a western-palate to Koreans willing to try.

What special touch do you bring to your cooking?
As assumed from the name, I try and cook everything from scratch. There are some ‘semi-homemade’ meals, but living in Korea, I do what I can with what I can get.

duck salad

What dishes do you get the most requests for?
I think most people know me for my dips and lasagnas. I make party dips like Spinach Artichoke or Buffalo Chicken dips and hummus, etc. I also make my lasagnas from scratch. I make my own pasta and sauces and create each one for an individual.

How did you develop your cooking abilities?
I grew up around some skilled chefs, and I always enjoyed cooking or baking. However, it wasn’t until almost 10 years ago that I discovered the Food Network and watched it religiously.

How did you develop your menu for Shannon From Scratch?
I thought about what meals I would eat as a kid growing up in the US. I asked people what they wanted. Because everything is personalized to the individual, I create menu items on a weekly basis, based on what people request. If I’m stuck on an ingredient, I look up a bunch of different recipes to see how it is best used and then create something on my own inspired by what I have read.

breakfast sandwich

How able are you to deal with special requests or allergies?
I am definitely able to. As stated, with each meal being personalized to the individual, I create meals that will fit the individual’s dietary restrictions and preferences.

Is there a food that you hate and love?
At the same time? Potatoes. I hate potatoes because I have an unfortunate intolerance to them myself, but I love them so much. I love the smell, the texture, the range. There are so many wonderful things one can do with potatoes.. but I just can’t test it out myself.

Is there a childhood comfort food that you think about?
Lasagna or Shepard’s Pie. Either one is a favorite of mine. The lasagnas I already make and I blow my own mind with how good they are. Shepard’s Pie.. it has been a while since the potato allergy developed. However, I have been contemplating creating a new version with cauliflower as a substitute.

What kinds of ethnic food are you capable of including in your menu?
It’s a funny question because what I consider to be ‘ethinc’ food may not be what another person considers. I’m from the US and being the melting pot it is, I’m not sure what is and isn’t considered ‘ethnic’ food. I don’t cook Indian or Korean food because they are very readily available here and they can certainly do a better job than myself. I do love to cook Mexican food, Italian food, etc.


Are there any chefs who influence your style of cooking?
Giada DeLaurentis is my she-chef crush. She makes amazing Italian inspired dishes while looking adorable doing it! Otherwise, my style is influenced by all of the chefs and cooks from around the world.

Has there ever been an ingredient that you weren’t able to find for a particular dish and what do you do?
Living in Korea, this happens way too often. I usually look up substitute options and choose amongst the best of it. Sometimes it maybe something simple as replacing milk with coconut cream or milk, or something more difficult like replacing mustard in a dish. If something is irreplaceable, I test out with what I have and if it works, I make a note. If not, oops, lesson learned.

What do you appreciate most about cooking?
Tough question. I think it’s a 50/50 tie between the de-stressing I feel when cooking, and the joy I feel when others tell me how good my food is. It makes me really happy to know that someone else is eating well and enjoying the tastes and flavors I produce.

herb chickensteak or chicken

What’s your most memorable meal?
That depends solely on the person with the memory. I personally love the lasagnas and get a lot of good feedback on them.

What does the future hold for Shannon From Scratch?
I hope it will be accepted as a start-up and I can bring food to the community to help people feel more at home here. I don’t forsee an actual restaurant, but maybe a larger kitchen to work out of would be nice.

How can folks find you and order?
Currently, I can be found on Facebook at Shannon from Scratch. Customers just browse the albums I have made (Meal Prep Album is most useful) and they choose what they want to eat. They can also contact me via Shannon from Scratch or email me at . I have the customers fill out a form so I can know their diet and preferences better. They can choose to tell me what specific dishes they want, or they can do the ‘I Trust You’ menu.. which allows me to make whatever I want based on their information.

artichoke chicken

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

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