Anti English Spectrum Anti English Spectrum

KMK: Values Collide in the Workplace


Let me preface the following post by saying that I received it as a comment on my Anti English Spectrum post, but decided that it should be posted as a post on its own. I removed all names as I have not had the opportunity to talk with the people named in this letter.

I have sent request to those involved to get in touch with me if they’d care to rebuke this letter and it’s author. I hope they do.

Dear Students and Parents,
Until April 1st, I was the Principal at {name removed}in {name removed}, Korea, which is a private high school under the auspice of {name removed} and on its campus too. I was terminated because I would not allow several teachers to teach abortion and homosexual marriage in the classroom and I reported it to the President of {name removed}, which is the benefactor of the school. He terminated me immediately. {name removed}

1. {name removed}is a professed lesbian who lives with her female lover and has also lived with her at {name removed} apartments with the knowledge of {name removed}and the President {name removed}
SHe has openly taught the students that these items:
A. The student can make his/her own decisions regarding sexual preference.
B The student should always question tradition and authority and then decide if it should be followed.
C Each student has own right to decide what is right and wrong.
D. Teacher has been seen by {name removed}, me, hugging passionately her lover in the teacher’s office at the school.
The position at {name removed} is her very first teaching job.

2. {name removed}has taught the students that they can make their own decisions regarding the use of their body. SHe told female students that they have the right to end a pregnancy if sexual behavior outside of marriage results in pregnancy. SHe has also taught them that homosexual marriage is permissable and no one can tell them what to do with their body-even if they are still living at home and are minors. She said that terminating a pregnancy (abortion) is always acceptable and it is the girl’s decision.

{name removed}was terminated from her last position at {name removed}High School in {name removed} because she did the same thing there. During the process of her termination, she abruptly quit and came directly to {name removed}where she lied on her application. I spoke with the Principal there Mr {name removed} and he told me everything.
This infromation was given to Mr {name removed}and Dr {name removed}but they failed to act on it.

This is only her second job after graduation; she was terminated from her first job and is repeating the same behavior at {name removed}.

3. {name removed}has taught the girls that they have the right to have premarital sex if it seems “correct” for them to act on their feelings. SHe invited students to her house at the {name removed}housing where she lives unmarried with her boyfriend.
SHe told several girls that no one can tell them what to do with their bodies and that they are grown and can make their own decisions. SHe also said that moraility today does not depend on what other people think and parents cannot tell their children what to do in private.

The {name removed}school administration has allowed her to live with her boyfirend. The administration knows it and the children know it. By the way, {name removed}does not agree with these immoral acts but the school’s administration has condoned it.
This is {name removed}very first teaching job. SHe is a new graduate.

4. {name removed}confronted me and said that the teachers should be allowed to teach whatever they want, ncluding homosexual marriage and that the children are big enough to make their own decisions. He is now the new Principal. I did a background search on him and he too lied on his application about his academic background.
Mr. {name removed}actually never gave one single grade to his AP Economics class.
(His resume attached).

These teachers have also made two students to go an extra semester of school because of wrong advice given during academic counseling on what to take the next semester. {name removed}and {name removed}both caused a student to have to take an extra semester. {name removed}gave bad counsel and caused a student to drop a class which must be made up in order to graduate. The teachers the academic advisers and do not have the knowledge or ability to do that work. ANother two students were forced to take the exact same course in two consecutive smesters.

This was watsed time in class but it was hidden by the teachers.

Your children are in danger because everything you have taught them is being torn down.

The image that you have of most AMericans is true. They go to Korea to get drunk, chase girls, and have sexual relationships in secret.

My doctorate is in Instructional Leadership and I am a Christian. I have 8 textbooks on the market and I have written 16 different programs around the world. I have taught tin the Middle East, Korea, AFrica, and the United States.

I am no one important but I took a 75 % cut in salary to work at {name removed}. to help your children. I have had 5 children and this is my life, my career, I am no one but your children are everything. THeir entire future and their morality depends on these days.

I didn’t mention these these teachers did not turn in lesson plans, skipped work for many hours, went to Vietnam (a prostitute paradise-{name removed}did this and left his pregnant wife home alone), were laughed at by the boys for trying to be sexy, humilated students and received written warnings, screamed at this Principal because ({name removed}) wanted to dress sexy , etc

I reported all of these items as they happened. First I went to Mr {name removed}the Administrator and was told this: “Be quiet or else I will terminate your contract. Let them teach what they want.” THat was in December.

I reported all of it again to Dr. {name removed}.
I was terminated immediately and shoved out the door. Your children are in moral danger. This will affect their lives because they heard it from a teacher. “Have sex-it’s ok! It’s your decision! No one else’s.”

Parents, do you want your children to learn and hear this? …from people they trust? ANd belive me, {name removed}looks at the young girls there with lust in her heart…with greedy eyes that want to eat. I have seen it. Girls, if she has touched you and has been too friendly, this is why.

Parents, I urge you to take your children out or at least investigate. Call Dr. {name removed}. Call the Board of Trustees for {name removed}. Write the {name removed}Church which is affiliated with the school. Do not accept it because your daughter may come to you next year and say,” Mama, I am pregnant or I am homosexual.”

No teacher there has children except {name removed}and he’s 44 years old with a one year old. But they WILL corrupt your innocent children and they are this minute. As a father and professional teacher and teacher trainer, I KNOW these people are not qualified but rather than terminate them and warn the parents, I was terminated to keep it quiet. I love your children and hope and pray that this is exposed because they are infinitely worth more than all heaven and earth and all the schools in the world.

That is why I write this.

God bless you.
Students please allow your parents to see this. I will answer emails.

{name removed}

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and urban explorer. I worked in South Korea’s ESL field for the 15 years. My one year contract turned, unexpectedly, into a journey!

4 thoughts on “KMK: Values Collide in the Workplace

  1. Obviously someone in the higher ups had the good sense to see through this nonsense. It’s horrifying to read someone demonizing another person/group of people/country (Vietnam!) this way but good to see someone like this won’t be a role model for kids anymore. The “A,B,C,D” at the top make a great syllabus, if you ask me!

  2. So, we are dealing with a racist and apparently lying Christian who is accusing a professed lesbian, living with her female lover, of living unmarried with with her boyfriend. How much fun this is to watch a published writer unable write down any kind of coherent argument. Even I can do better than that.

    Also, isn’t this slander according to Korean law? True or not, surely this can get the writer in to very hot water.

    1. Zen: The word zealous comes to mind.

      Otto: Each number represents a different teacher for a total of four separate teachers. I couldn’t believe it when I woke up to this.

      Kate: exactly, what is wrong with students thinking for themselves and questioning what they are being told. Critical thinking should be applauded not demonized.

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