Tis the winter season, but despite the cold places like Baskin Robbins does brisk business. Perhaps the way to combat the cold is with cold and there’s nothing like the delicious coldness of BR icecream.
We went for the ice cream fondu but discovered that it was a seasonal offering and missed out. Unless of course our local BR just didn’t have any more left. If you find any BR with the Icecream fondu still being served then let a brother know!
Instead we went for two scoops of our favorite ice cream. I opted for the chocolate cookie and very strawberry.
In the winter fashion wars Baskin Robbins has come out with these snowman hats to combat the Smurf look Paris Baguette is going for. I never thought anyone could make snowman hats homoerotic, but score one for Baskin Robbins!

KMK: Baskin Robbins
Tis the winter season, but despite the cold places like Baskin Robbins does brisk business. Perhaps the way to combat the cold is with cold and there’s nothing like the delicious coldness of BR icecream.
We went for the ice cream fondu but discovered that it was a seasonal offering and missed out. Unless of course our local BR just didn’t have any more left. If you find any BR with the Icecream fondu still being served then let a brother know!
Instead we went for two scoops of our favorite ice cream. I opted for the chocolate cookie and very strawberry.
In the winter fashion wars Baskin Robbins has come out with these snowman hats to combat the Smurf look Paris Baguette is going for. I never thought anyone could make snowman hats homoerotic, but score one for Baskin Robbins!
Yeah they are definitely cute. Ice cream in the winter, rocks!
Two boys who wearing hats are members of Bigbang. They are cute by the way.</></>Having Icecream in the Winter! Are your teeth okay? hhhh…