Afraid you missed it? Thought it went by without your noticing. Well, fear not Pepero Day is back again and right in your face. Wherever you go there are stands and boxes of pepero in a variety of flavors and combinations. Chocolate? Check? Nut Crunch? Check. Honey coated sugar almond orange sensation? Well, not sure, but I bet it’s out there waiting to be devoured.
I myself got Pepero’ed out after last year. I mean how much mileage can you get out of a manufactured company holiday? They may as well stamp Pepero on all our heads and send us on our merry way.
If you’re back in the States to truly understand the pepero madness just imagine everyone in the US getting excited and jumping for joy over Snickers bars. You’d wear Snicker bar T-shirts, and buy your sweety a Snickers bar gift basket with matching Snicker bars bathrobe and slippers. Yeah, its that extreme.
However, if you truly love your Snickers, or rather Pepero, then I guess this would be an occasion to revel in the festivities unashamedly.
chris-</></>yes i love some pepero day! it should be montly.</></>Babs-</></>lime tree is really a find. I plan on going back asap.
OK, without having heard of Pepero day before I was handed several BOXES of Pepero, I have to say – I DON'T MIND! My kids want to give me FREE FOOD? Sure, I'll take it off their hands. Hmm, it's tasty and made of CHOCOLATE? Bring this holiday on – once a year isn't enough 🙂
I was all caught up in the happy madness until I read some blogs from back west. Sure 11/11 is Pepero Day here. But back in the west it's Armistice Day/Veteran's Day.</></>Kind of puts a pall on sugary frippery.</></>Though speaking of frippery, thanks for the lead on Lime Tree. I haven't had an avocado since I left the States, and wow that was delicious!