KMK: Eric’s New York Steak House

Food Restaurants

Eric’s New York Steakhouse is located in Mokdong near Omokgyo Station on line 5. All you have to do is take exit 6, look up and follow the ToTo sign. Then take a left when you reach ToTo’s and Eric’s will be on your right.

Eric’s is all about the steaks. You can order up a nice T-bone, prime rib, sirloin or even the hamburger steak if that’s what your in the mood for. You can also try the salmon steak if beef just isn’t in the cards.

Eric”s offers a small salad bar with options like tuna casserole, mashed potatoes, and bread. My meal came with a broccoli cheese soup. It was nice.

Dinner was potatoes, grilled vegetables, and tenderloin. It was really great. The meat was moist and succulent and the potatoes spot on. I will say that my grilled vegetables were a bit on the salty side. Overall, Eric’s New York Steakhouse served up a fine meal. Prices hover from about 20,000 won to 40,000 for a dinner entree which is not including wine.

Check out Eric’s if you’re in the area and need to switch it up from all the Korean food.

 The Good: The meat was moist and succulent and the potatoes spot on.

The Bad: small menu, but big taste!

The Weird: Hamburger steak will never be okay.

Prices: 20,000 to 40,000 KRW





Directions: From Omokgyo Station on line 5. All you have to do is take exit 6, look up and follow the ToTo sign. Then take a left when you reach ToTo’s and Eric’s will be on your right.

Brian Dye
I’m a blogger, writer, and teacher. I’ve been working in South Korea’s ESL field for the last three years. My one year contract has unexpectedly turned into a journey that I’m still on and loving.

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