Mirae Mirae

KMK: KPOP Profile – Mirae

Arts Music

Kpop opens whole new musical dimensions for SOKO newcomers. Syncing your brain in tune to all the different boy bands, girl groups, solo stars and starlets in the KPop universe makes for a mind blowing task that keeps most peeps never listening to much less loving KPOP.

That ends now! As a KPOP junkie it’s my duty to ensure you enjoy this musical junk food I love so much. I’m gonna blast you the 411 on the latest and greatest KPOP acts so you too can feast on this sonic cotton candy.


Yoon Mi Rae has been all over the K hop music scene for the past ten years. She’s one of the few female rappers who can put the boyz to shame on either side of the ocean. She’s an American bi racial butterfly, born to an African American father and a Korean mother.

She’s made her mark in Korea starting way back with her girl group Uptown and a hip hop r&b duo with Annie Lee. Her solo album came out a few years ago, but just last fall she dropped a new EP: Get it in.

Check out the video and tell me why she’s not bigger here and known in the States? She’s got the talent to be up there. She’s also married to Korean rapper Tiger JK member of Drunken Tiger.

Notoriety: South Korea

1 point

Skilzz:  Double Dose

singer and rapper! 2 points

Golden Touch: Taste Maker

1 point

Prince KPOP’s Plus One:

1 point

Princess K-pop
Welcome, amigos to the K Pop Korner, my little nook of Kiss My Kimchi devoted exclusively to all things K Pop. I'm here to bring the K-pop love, snark, and affection! So loosen those seat belts and get ready to be K Poppified.

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